How non-profit organizations can tackle global challenges

Tips for non-profits to take on global challenges
In this article, we’ll introduce you to prominent regional and international non-profit organizations and suggest how they can better respond to the current challenges we face today, namely Covid-19, climate change and conflict.

A non-profit can be defined as any entity that aims to support the community without making a profit. Its size and number of employees can vary depending on the nature of its work, but the objective remains the same. There are charitable organizations that are driven by a worthy cause, with broad aims which include feeding, healing, educating, and inspiring people.

These organizations help people who may be affected by a crisis. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the prominent regional and international non-profits and outline how they tackle the top challenges we are facing globally - the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflict, which results in problems such as hunger, poverty, and education.


The importance of non-profits

Non-profits are there to help people. The following is a short summary of the standout local and international non-profit organizations that highlight the important work that they do.

The Charitable Society for Orphans Care was established under the chairmanship of His Royal Highness, the Emir of Riyadh. Its primary goal is to provide care and support for orphans, along with providing them with an education that qualifies them to work in all sectors in The Kingdom. Ensan hosts annual community projects, from collecting donations for Zakat al-Fitr and Eid gifts, to permanent projects which include collecting donations, distributing food baskets, or providing housing to the less fortunate.

The incredible work of the Dar Al Ber Charity Society began in 1979, and since then has helped more than 80,000 families. The United Arab Emirates charity is involved in building mosques, providing water, and protecting families in conflict zones in Guinea, Palestine, Kenya, Senegal, Syria, India, and many more countries.

The charity has implemented more than 30,000 charitable projects between 2010 to 2014, according to research by Forbes, which named it one of the most transparent non-profits in the region. Dar Al Ber works tirelessly on projects locally and further afield. 

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was launched in 2000, and is estimated to be one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, with assets of $46.8 billion. It continues to donate about $1 billion annually to fight poverty, disease, and inequality around the world. The aid and relief projects provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have reached many countries including India, the Middle East, Europe, and China. Their projects provide solidarity to people and the organization is committed to tackling the greatest inequities in our world.


Tips for adapting to crisis

Dr. Charles Owubah who leads Action Against Hunger, USA’s executive team in providing leadership and strategic direction, said non-profits have the ability to tackle the world’s top three challenges - the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflict.


He said to tackle a challenge like COVID-19, NGOs must be willing to adapt and move quickly. ‘Start by listening: to employees, the people we serve, our partners, and other audiences. Diverse stakeholders can offer perceptive views on what is needed and how an NGO can help deliver.’ 


Strategize to foster sustainable solutions

Climate change leads to food shortages and Dr. Owubah stated that NGOs must strategize to foster more sustainable food solutions. ‘NGO leaders should recognize that climate and hunger must be part of the program strategy, whether you work in education, health, animal well-being, or peace and security, to name a few.’ 

Address conflict collectively

Finally, in addressing conflict, which is linked to hunger,  Dr. Owubah said ‘nonprofit leaders, businesses, and governments to come together to uphold international standards for humanitarian access.’ Alternatively, NGOs can come together in collective action, using technology to create clever workarounds, and open source data to predict crises and better serve the community.

Misk programs to nurture non-profits

Non-Profits are fundamental to today's society. Due to this understanding and importance, Misk has launched a number of programs aimed at non-profit organizations: 


Youth NPO Accelerator is a program aimed at supporting mature, youth-focused non-profit organizations to accelerate their growth and scalability to deliver greater social impact. A 5-month journey that involves face-to-face bootcamps, online mentorship sessions, and online educational resources that contribute to increasing the organizational capacities of organizations. 


Youth NPOs Incubator is a 15-week program aimed at supporting the launch, growth, and expansion of non-profit youth-focused initiatives and associations. 

In the end, non-profits have one aim - to serve others. Charitable work is an integral part of our religion, culture, and society, but with the changes and challenges that the world is constantly facing, we must develop smarter ways to extend a helping hand to others, to ensure support reaches everyone who needs it.


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