11 life lessons you don’t learn in school

This advice can be applied in any situation you encounter
The lessons of life do not end. Life moves us from one experience to another and from one test to another, and it’s upon us to choose how we deal with and learn from these lessons.

We ​​never stop learning in this journey called life. We live and learn every single day from the time we wake up till it’s time to sleep. We learn from every action and every word, from our friends, our parents, our co-workers, and sometimes even from our children. This is quite fortunate because many of the lessons in life are not learned in school yet are crucial for anyone starting their own professional career. 

 Here are 11 lessons you don’t learn from school:

  • Good judgment and wisdom come from experiences, so embrace the different opportunities that come your way. As the saying goes, life begins outside your comfort zone. It's worthwhile to always remember that if something doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.
  • Learn to make your own decisions. It’s most likely that if you aren’t able to choose the path of your own life, you will end up living according to what others have chosen for you. 
  • Take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. They’re both extremely interconnected, and neglecting one may lead to the deterioration of the other. 
  • It's great to plan your future but don't forget to live in the present moment too and enjoy all that it has to offer. 
  • Maintain your spirituality in whatever way you can and you will see its effect on the quality of your daily life in numerous ways.
  • Train yourself to take responsibility for everything you do. You won't find anyone telling you or reminding you what to do for the rest of your life, so discipline is key for success.
  • Learn the basics of personal finance skills, from managing money, saving, investing, and budgeting. Even if you find the task boring, you’ll thank yourself later.  
  • Get used to motivating yourself. You won't always find someone who notices your effort and rewards you for it. In fact, you might be the only witness to many of your successes, but this doesn’t diminish their value. Take the time to acknowledge all your achievements and congratulate yourself on them.
  • Make peace with failure and consider it your friend. School usually teaches us that failing at something is the worst thing that can happen and that we should avoid it at all costs, but that robs us of the opportunity to learn from failure. Real failure consists of not allowing ourselves to take any unfamiliar steps because we’re afraid of stumbling.
  • There’s a big difference between postponing your ambitions and dreams indefinitely for fear of failure and postponing a decision because you know you need more preparation and maturity. Learn to tell the difference.
  • If you reach a leadership position in any line of work, make sure to prioritize people over profit. Always remember that compassion, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals are also a success.

The lessons of life do not end. Life moves us from one experience to another and from one test to another, and it’s upon us to choose how we deal with and learn from these lessons, either with acceptance, faith, and knowledge, or with rejection, anxiety, and fear.

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