Self-Education: A Necessity or a Luxury?

Malak Al-Mazhour - Al-Jawf Track
This article was written by a Youth Voice program participant. Youth Voice Program is an enriching dialogue program that aims to engage Saudi Youth from all around the Kingdom in several seminars, discussion meetings and training. It focuses mainly on critical thinking and persuasive communication skills.

In light of the current information revolution, it's possible to access almost any information in a matter of seconds. A person comes across a massive amount of information every day, but this wide access does not necessarily mean acquiring true knowledge as we would often obtain a superficial level of flawed knowledge.

True knowledge has deeper meanings and dimensions. Many questions come to mind and we hope to answer some throughout this article, while also presenting life experiences to tackle other types of questions.

First of all, is it possible to acquire true scientific information and accurate knowledge through self-training without joining any educational institution? Has self-education become a necessity? Is traditional education becoming outdated? Is self-education a temporary curiosity or is it imperative? Is relying on academic learning alone enough or should we combine the two methods? Is self-education the future? Why do we need to self-educate?

Although self-education is a new concept, it can be traced back to previous eras. It was adopted throughout history by many great personalities, such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519), Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), and other contemporary figures, such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Moreover, self-education is behind numerous achievements, ideas, theories, and inventions that have shaped our reality.

What is self-education?

Self-education entails several definitions. Aziz believes that it is "an intentional process in which the learner tries to acquire by themselves the right amount of knowledge, concepts, principles, trends, values, and skills by using or leveraging technological applications, in addition to programmed books, teaching instruments and tools, and different machines."

  1. Rowntree defines self-education as "a process in which learners educate themselves using any materials or resources to achieve clear goals without direct help from the teacher." The author of this article believes that self-education is a self-learning journey or process that starts with passion and curiosity to acquire information in an interesting subject or science field or a way to develop skills and gain expertise. The learner goes through this journey with awareness, belief, and conviction by researching, reading, studying, and then relying on experience and practice to reach a specific goal under one's own supervision. This journey entails knowing one's true potential, in addition to continuous development, improvement, and increase of scientific and cultural knowledge. It does not require any form of supervision from a teacher or educational institution. What makes this experience so unique is its individuality as every person goes through their own personal journey.

What are the advantages of self-education?

Self-education is a skill for the future and crucial for leaving a special footprint in the 21st century. It is a continuous and never-ending process, making it so unique. The learner has the utmost freedom to choose the learning method, as self-learners focus more on the educational process than educational outputs. Furthermore, self-education is almost free of external pressure given that self-learners can study whenever they want and with the available means. The first and final goal is education and knowledge.

Self-education is a distinguished process because it allows individuals to set several goals based on their journeys, regardless of their learning goals. Each person can achieve their goal if they keep pushing forward. Do you want a prestigious job? Do you want to have more information about a topic that interests you? Do you want to work on a scientific project? All these goals can be achieved.

Self-education strengthens intellectual, planning, and searching skills, and contributes to the development of many other skills, such as self-discipline, time management, and critical and innovative thinking. It opens the door for innovation, creativity, and originality. Moreover, self-education teaches independence, self-reliance, and problem-solving. When the learner faces an issue while studying, he is solely responsible for understanding and resolving the problem. There are no limits or restrictions to learning. The learner is responsible for the learning process. You can only become a learner when you study seriously and effectively. As Einstein once said: "The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Can self-education replace traditional education?

We have all received a traditional education and it is undoubtedly crucial. However, the problem lies in the traditional teaching methods that rely on information stuffing, memorization, and indoctrination, in addition to stereotyping students and neglecting the development of various interests by solely focusing on the class subject and determining success through specific methods, such as tests, which stand in the way of true knowledge and limit creative thinking. An article from listed the most important reasons and factors that push children to fail in school, including dogmatism promoted by schools, archaic teaching methods, and not acknowledging differences in students.    

Academic teaching is surely important and does not contradict self-education; they rather complement one another. However, some methods used in academic teaching may limit creativity and innovation.

Therefore, we will go back to our first question: Is self-education imperative? Traditional teaching prepares individuals for the labor market and provides them with certificates based on their academic achievements. This is where self-education, which occurs outside the classroom, comes into play to raise passionate, independent, and responsible researchers, scholars, and thinkers. Perhaps what distinguishes them is self-education. Therefore, it is necessary to build a great society with strong intellectual and scientific skills. "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education," said Einstein.

Self-learners can get a job in one of the largest businesses without a college degree, as major companies - such as Google, Apple, IBM, and Tesla - have recently announced that they do not require a university degree for certain positions. This increases motivation and support and raises the urgency to develop individual skills and acquire technological expertise through self-education.

What does self-education teach us as people, aside from scientific subjects?

Self-education is a lifestyle and skill that should be acquired to keep up with recent developments. It is also a key that unlocks questions and unlimited intellectual horizons. Self-education builds life skills, such as a sense of responsibility and discipline, and develops creative and critical thinking skills, in addition to the skill of searching deep within one's life and soul. It shapes leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs, and successful people.

Can we achieve self-education? Can we acquire true knowledge without enrolling in traditional education? 

Yes, we can. Hundreds of resources and websites are available to help people start their own educational journey and develop many skills. Several leading companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, and universities such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Yale, and Oxford, have provided training courses to facilitate the learner's educational journey.

In conclusion, we acknowledge the importance of learning, regardless of its different means and methods. In order to achieve Vision 2030's programs, we should work hard to spread the culture of self-education and the passion for reading and shed light on inspiring people who have successful experiences with self-learning. Self-education is a necessity, not a luxury. Let us always remember that self-education is a journey with no constraints, a journey that we make and shape on our own according to our passion. What unites self-learners of all ages is the flame of curiosity that never ceases to flare up.




- benjamin-franklin – Autodidact

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