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Intellectual Confusion in the Twenties

Do We Really Know What We Want?
By Aml Refdan
About The Author
Aml Refdan
December 31, 2024
Master’s degree in Political Science.

twenties are a transformative time when many young people experience intellectual confusion as they struggle to define their identity and make major life decisions. It's a phase where questions about career, education, and personal goals seem endless, often leaving individuals uncertain about what they truly want. This uncertainty is entirely natural at this stage of life.

It's common to feel like time is being wasted if you don’t immediately find fulfillment in the choices you make. However, this feeling isn’t a mistake nor a sign of failure—it’s part of the process. The confusion, the trial and error, and even the wrong turns we take all contribute to our growth. Ultimately, every decision, regardless of the outcome, teaches us something valuable.

Personally, I’ve always been passionate about Political Science. My love for the field, my curiosity, and my passion for political debates led me to consider it as my career path. However, when I found that this specialization was unavailable at my university, I chose to study Islamic Law instead. While it wasn’t my initial interest, I have no regrets about this decision. Instead, I see it as an opportunity that provided me with an enriching experience in the field of law.

Through my studies, I analyzed countless legal cases, developed practical skills, and deepened my knowledge of the legal system. I performed better than many others who chose law out of preference, becoming a key reference for my female peers. I was always happy to answer their questions and help them understand complex legal concepts, which made me a reliable support system during our training.

Despite my continued passion for Political Science, I’ve decided to pursue a Master’s degree in the field. I believe that life is full of opportunities, and each experience, even those that diverge from our original plans, enriches our understanding and broadens our perspective. The idea of “wasting time” doesn’t exist—every moment contributes to our personal development and growth.


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