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The Internet and I: A story that goes way back.

Mohammed Al-Saleh
Here’s a glimpse of how Mohammed Al-Saleh got into blogging, hoping this article will inspire you on how the internet has something for each and every one of us.

As a teenager, I have witnessed the rise of the Internet and its expansion. In fact, back in 2009, I worked as a receptionist at one of the largest Internet cafes in our area while I was still a high school student. More than 50 computer devices were available at that café. Premium access was available 24/7 for 15 Riyals an hour. Back then, the Internet was not that widespread, and not all houses were connected. Internet cafes had countless clients round the clock!

I worked at the café for three years. This allowed me to get more acquainted with what was then known as the WORLD WIDE WEB. Yet, it was not the only knowledge I acquired. My work experience also enabled me to attempt identifying the various needs of our clients: Why were they visiting the café? How were they spending their time there?

In fact, clients are quite different. Some of them simply came to chat through various applications, there was a totally different type of clients: Those who did not come to seek the services of the recently regulated chat rooms. For them, the Internet was merely a tool available for them to engage in writing and reading. There were not many, though… They formed about 5% of the visitors, and I often noticed them to be in an inner dilemma, trying to fit in, while attempting to find a moment of silence for them to reflect upon the content they were reading or writing.

Then there were bloggers.  

In fact, amidst the rise of the Internet, blogs were an essential element of its expansion in the region. They assumed a unique role in shaping a new community within the Arab World, where you got to know people who were different from you… There, a community of bloggers and readers got to do what they loved the most, even though people failed to understand the purpose of their work.

For some, the time spent blogging and its purpose were not really clear. This being said, those failed to leverage one of the most important tools the Internet had to offer for expanding their business: e-commerce, especially amidst its expansion and given the sale revenues it generated.

However, the economy today rests upon communication, where “online attention” is for sale! People may be free in structuring their content the way they like, in investing their time and efforts the way they like, and in publishing their content through the channel they like. Yet, the attention that such content attracts is really the only element that matters. Did your content succeed in attracting users? Did it manage to make them stop whatever they are doing to check what you are offering?

As for me, I am one of those people who were so late to hop on the Internet wagon. I say “late” because I worked in this field at the very early age of 15, while the Internet was still relatively new. Back then, there were plenty of opportunities for those who adopted the new technology to achieve brilliant success. Yet, some fail to understand the reality we live in today, where any person looking to work in this field could exceed their own expectations. Perhaps this is because users today have become so consumed with daily content that it has distracted them from the actual broadness of the digital world. So do they even realize how much early adopters were shocked at the vast world of Internet and its potential?

In fact, the Internet is not only limited to making friendships and having fun. Deeming the Internet as one of the major achievements throughout civilization is certainly not an exaggeration. We have seen companies running their most complicated business operations through the Internet. How hard can it be to make a living off of it then?

Why start blogging?

Writing this article reflects a major commitment of mine. Deciding to become a writer, I embarked on a new journey. After spending a decade working at a major company, I wanted to become a freelance online writer, and I have never been as excited!

Three months after taking the first step, my Twitter account has exceeded 1,000 followers. My work with clients is constantly achieving success and keeping me quite busy, to the extent that I barely had time to write this blog. Yet, I was unable to find a story that looks like mine. This is why I wanted to share my experience in posting my content publicly, hoping that it would inspire those in the same boat.

As its name suggests, the World Wide Web is quite wide and full of opportunities. It is the place to experiment and embark on infinite journeys!


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