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Pristine NPO

Specializing in the environment to enhance the human relationship with nature.
Pristine Association believes in a conscious society and a sustainable environment, working to develop individual and community habits to bridge the gap between societal habits and the goals of sustainable development.

This article belongs to a series of articles that introduce the second cohort of participants in the Misk Initiatives Incubator 2022, one of Misk Foundation's programs that aims to build the capacity of non-profit youth organizations and guide them towards creating a sustainable social impact.

Today, we will go over the noteworthy accomplishments of Pristine. Through its initiatives, Pristine Association has been successful in raising awareness of environmental sustainability and encouraging both individual and collective behavior changes. Additionally, it has also facilitated the creation of viable structures for non-profit organizations striving to close the divide between prevalent societal patterns and sustainable development goals.

Vision & Mission

Pristine is dedicated to raising awareness about environmentalism and inspiring the youth to be active participants in its preservation. Pristine is passionate about building non-profit organizations (NPOs) to promote the growth of environmentally conscious young generations. They do this by organizing sustainable projects and activities that spread the importance of volunteer work within the participants to achieve the association's mission and the goals of Vision 2030.

The NPOs are being seen in a different light, thanks to the proactive campaigns of the organization. It is increasing public awareness about the part this sector plays in enabling the Saudi economy to grow and prosper. 

The association is making tremendous efforts to achieve its future projects - including the establishment of an Environmental Museum, activating the role of Ecotourism, and investing in VR technology to achieve the objectives of the association - which enabled it to gain the support of several bodies, such as Napco National Company, Al-Zahid Group, Al-Turki Holding Group and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Programs & Initiatives

By launching the “Applied Sustainable Development Program”, Pristine has given youth an opportunity to come up with sustainable solutions while also minimizing any impacts they may have on the environment. This program is one of many successful interactive programs launched by Pristine. The association is dedicated to helping those with innovative ideas develop their businesses into successful startups by offering them resources and expertise.

The organization has also launched the “Corporate Sustainability Tools Program” to educate corporate employees on how environmental sustainability not only benefits the earth but can be utilized to reach economic objectives as well. Pristine was able to capture the attention of the sports fans with their Environmental Sports Program or "plogging" which combines waste collection with jogging.

Apart from these activities, the organization also holds fun eco-friendly events like the World Cleanup Day which combines leisure and ecology. Additionally, they plan periodic outings to explore mountain parks and clean up the paths.

The Impact

The association has made real progress towards achieving its objectives through launching a range of programs and initiatives, with more than 200 activities successfully carried out over the past four years. In 2018, a program started in one part of Jeddah and then expanded to ten neighborhoods by 2022. Thus far, it has seen over 900 participants and successfully collects more than 15,000 pieces of plastic annually.

The Pristine association has had a positive impact on society, and for this reason, it was chosen by the international organization "Let's Do It World" to be the representative of Saudi Arabia in their "World Cleanup Day". By taking part in these sorts of activities and events, they are able to make a positive difference in their community.

The Audience

The association seeks to engage young men and women between 18 to 28 years old in its activities. It works to understand the needs of this demographic and design programs that are mutually beneficial for both the participants and the organization.

To better reach out to the public, Pristine is utilizing social media platforms to publish informative posts about their work in the environment and sustainability. They also send a monthly newsletter with all the latest news and updates regarding their projects and programs.


The organization is faced with numerous challenges, the primary one being obtaining permits and authorization from Jeddah Municipality for arranging activities and events, enhancing operational methods to increase the involvement of youthful volunteers, and achieving financial sustainability.

Pristine utilizes multiple interactive resources to anticipate any possible problems and collect data to analyze future trends and acquire insights. This includes digital surveys, holding online meetings every month, and a complaint email exclusively for this purpose.

The association in Jeddah has seen a lot of success with its "plogging" and "Sustainable Development" projects. As a result, it has established new partnerships to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and expertise with other associations. Pristine also consistently aims to raise the team's communication, organization, and promotional skills to better their performance and impact.


  • How would you describe the team in a sentence?

Creative team of diverse cultures, ambitious and looking towards the future with all its challenges.

  • If your team had a motto or saying, what would it be?

"Where man meets nature / Keep it clean."

  • What motivates you to serve the community?

Love and pride in the Kingdom motivates us to be responsible towards society.

  • What are you proud of in the organization?

Thinking outside the box.

  • What impact do you want to achieve for the organization's beneficiaries?

Expanding the association's impact on the broadest scale in society.

  • What does success look like for the organization?

Success lies in collaborative team spirit, outstanding performance, and expanding the base of beneficiaries.

  • What is the project that your team dreams of achieving?

To represent the Kingdom  nationally and internationally in various environmental issues and conferences.

  • What defines your team?

A multicultural team.

  • What advice do you give to Saudi youth?

The environment does not need us! We need it. We cannot survive and sustain life without a healthy and balanced environment.

  • What are the most prominent advantages of Saudi youth?

Unlimited ambition and passion for giving.


To contact the organization

Social media accounts

To register and learn more about Misk Initiatives Incubator

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