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Celebrating Your Individuality: Embracing Your Unique Self

Ahmed Al-Tuleihan
Let us embark on a journey to embrace our uniqueness and celebrate our individuality, as it is key to the success we reflect to the world.

Ambitious people have long been known to aspire toward achieving excellence and success. For them, striving for distinction knows no limits. They are in a constant quest to find tools to assist them in charting their path in life, developing their perception, and sharpening their senses.

A while ago, a high school student about to graduate called me. He was having a hard time at defining his career path. Choosing a college major turned out to be quite problematic for him. With two majors in mind, he kept comparing himself to others, which caused him doubt and confusion.

I was really impressed by his aspiration toward excellence and his courage to inquire in an attempt to draw his academic and career paths. In fact, we had quite an interesting conversation that led me to draw one conclusion: Celebrate your unique self.

Many verses of the Noble Quran confirm that Allah, the Almighty, has {certainly created man in the best of stature} (Surat At-Tin 95:4).

Being perfectly created, seeking excellence and embracing the art of being unique would certainly be the right thing to opt for. Whether you are a student, an employee, or a freelancer, succeeding at what you do or achieving favorable outcomes out of your personal projects is a key milestone on your path to glory. Yet, comparing yourself to others would be a sure way towards misery… Do not fall into this trap. Rather, identify your strengths, invest into fostering them, and take them into account when selecting your specialization.

The path toward succeeding in your specialization requires you to be passionate about what you do, to give it your all, and most importantly, to be keen on achieving success. In fact, some might think that enrolling in the trendiest majors is the key to success. Yet, upon graduating, they find that their opportunities are limited and end up seeking jobs for the sake of making ends meet.

If you look at twins, you will often find that while they may live identical lives, eating the same foods, drinking the same beverages, sleeping in the same room, and breathing the same air, they are often quite different in terms of their hobbies, interests, and goals…

Hence, one might even say that although they are twins, each of them is unique in their own way. They surely were not born at the same time, nor did they achieve the same life milestones at the same moment. They are the same, yet different. Their character was shaped differently, and this becomes quite apparent in their private lives: Not only their habits and hobbies poles apart, but they may not even share the same interests!

With this being said, you really should identify your strengths and develop them. However, this might not be an easy process. You should look deep inside yourself as it is there where you will find them, and it is there where you will find the strength to plan for your self-development.

Look deep inside yourself. Looking anywhere else is tiring. Focus on yourself, your potential, and your goals. Do not compare yourself to others, as it will be your downfall.

However, should you need to opt for comparison, compare yourself to what you were. Compare your past with your current present. Compare your growth with the plan you have set to yourself.

Identify your breakthroughs, enjoy your achievements, and most importantly, never forget that you are unique: Believe in yourself. Invest in yourself. Develop yourself. Enjoy what you have become.

I wish you all success in all your current and future endeavors. I am looking forward to reading your success stories that you will be sharing with me by email. Best of luck!


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