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Infinite Ambition

• Obstacles often fall within the natural course of our personal and professional life. • We always see people facing obstacles, overcoming them, and getting up stronger than ever before because they learnt. • This article will teach you how to prevent challenges from discouraging you, how to think SMART, and how to apply the SMART goal-setting framework in order to have realistic and measurable objectives for yourself to keep going!
About The Author
Bandar Khalid Kari
August 15, 2023
Project Specialist, Misk Foundation

Obstacle? No problem!

Living in the fast-paced world that it is today, people often reach their destination and stop there, as if it is the end-all be-all of success, not realizing that often the first success is but a door to many obstacles on the way to bigger achievements.

In fact, ambition is bound to the individual’s deep desire to accomplish things, whether in to terms of self-development, achieving excellence in a specific field, or reaching personal or professional goals. Ambition is not and should not be limited to merely achieving success, but is rather about continuing to grow, achieving one success after the other. In other terms, ambition translates into constant advancement toward the stars, the ultimate reflection of excellence.

However, success is only achieved upon overcoming obstacles that often put our strength and dedication to testing and foster our knowledge and expertise. In fact, addressing challenges serves us as a tool for gaining new skills, all the while honing existing ones, and drawing valuable lessons. Hence, instead of looking at obstacles as a hindrance, one should see them as opportunities for growth and learning. In short, it is obstacles that teach us to accept our failures, to view them as one more step towards success, and to gain resilience.

Nonetheless, infinite ambition is not only about overcoming obstacles we face along the way, but also relates to continually seeking new challenges and achieving new successes. Never stop at your first success. Rather, keep going in your quest towards yet another success that would launch you towards bigger, higher aspirations. Undoubtedly though, you will be facing more obstacles down the way. However, the good news is that you have been there before and overcame challenges and those have certainly made you stronger and much more confident to conquer the new ones.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Obstacles

Throughout your life, you will certainly face countless challenges and obstacles. While these could make your life harder, here are some strategies that would make you better equipped for overcoming them:

  1. Accept what already is… The first step toward overcoming any obstacle is acceptance. This step is quite simple: Accept that life may not always be fair, and that there will always be challenges and hardships.
  2. Identify the obstacles: Know the obstacles and challenges you are facing and whether they are psychological, emotional, or material. This will help you determine the most suitable strategy for conquering them.
  3. Set a plan: Upon identifying a challenge, devise a plan for overcoming. This plan would list both the steps and the resources you need.
  4. Self-confidence and determination: Never doubt yourself. Not even once. You can overcome any obstacle you set your mind to. Determination is the key here.
  5. Seek help: Do not be afraid to seek help whenever needed. After all, this is what your friends, family, and professional counselors are for. They are always willing to help. Just ask.
  6. Patience and perseverance are key: Some obstacles may take longer to conquer than others. This is why patience and perseverance are two essential attributes you should work on developing.
  7. Learn from your mistakes: Never deem your first failure as the end. In fact, it is often only the beginning. Learn from it and use it to further grow toward your success.

Never forget that obstacles are your opportunity at learning and growing. The path to success is never an easy one. However, with ambition and determination, you can overcome any difficulty.


Developing SMART Objectives

Developing SMART objectives can certainly be applied to work same as to personal goals. As a matter of fact, referring to this framework have become quite common in the workplace, namely because it enables setting efficient and measurable goals.

SMART Objectives at the Workplace

  1. Specific Objectives: For instance, rather than saying, “I want to be more productive”, say, “I want to increase my productivity by 20% in the next quarter by elaborating a plan to manage my time more efficiently.”
  2. Measurable: For instance, in the example above, increasing productivity by 20% is a measurable objective since you can track progress achieved and the time required to achieve it.
  3. Achievable: Increasing productivity by 20% can be achieved, subject to the availability of needed tools and the allocation of time needed for completion.
  4. Relevant: Work-related objectives must be related to assigned tasks and responsibilities. Hence, increasing productivity can be relevant if you are trying to get more out of your work day.
  5. Time-bound: Work-related objectives must be time-bound. This means that a timeline should be set to achieve them, such as saying that the objective would be increasing productivity by 20% over the next quarter.

By applying the above method, you can set more realistic and measurable goals at work, thus increasing your chances at achieving them.

in the end, infinite ambition does not seek achieving successes only, but can also serve as an opportunity for growth and development. It helps you identify new opportunities and realize further achievements. Hence, moving forward should be the only way we know, regardless of the challenges we might face along the way. We should never lose the will to keep going, growing, and achieving successes. Rather, we must view every obstacle we overcome as another step towards our ultimate dreams and goals.     


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