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NGOs with Impact: Bedar for Youth Development

Bedar for Youth Development aims to strengthen the interactive societal role of youth
Bedar for Youth Development aims to encourage community initiatives, instill the concept of good citizenship, and contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

This article belongs to a series of articles that introduce the second cohort of participants in the Impact Accelerator Program in 2022, one of Misk Foundation's programs that aims to build the capacity of non-profit youth organizations and guide them towards creating a sustainable social impact.

In this article, you will learn about the activities and initiatives delivered by Bedar to enhance the role of young men and women in society.

Vision & Mission

Established in 2017, Bedar for Youth Development aims to emphasize the need to strengthen the societal role of youth, and provide a youth platform that will cultivate the spirit of initiative-taking among young men and women. Moreover, Bedar builds meaningful community projects to contribute in achieving the strategic goals of Vision 2030.

Bedar also aspires to create a unique youth community that has a positive and sustainable impact, and that is capable of rehabilitating and raising the motivation of young men and women to participate more effectively in society, based on best practices.

Bedar seeks to achieve two primary goals. The first is to develop youth experiences and capabilities to enhance their job and life skills, which would reflect positively on improving identity and national belonging, by consolidating their social and economic participation. The second goal is to strengthen the role and contribution of young men and women by equipping them with leadership skills and helping them in launching their own initiatives.

Programs & Initiatives

Bedar succeeded in launching multiple initiatives, through which it developed the skills and capabilities of their youth participants, such as improving the readiness of young people to enter the labor market, raising awareness and spreading the culture of initiative. One of the most prominent initiatives incubated by the organization is "Mottaka", which is an intellectual incubator for several pioneers in the content industry. Mottaka unleashed the energy of youth and led to the formation of independent youth intellectual organizations.

In order to instill a sense of leadership among youth, Bedar launched "Elixir"  and "Raseen", which qualified 20 male and female trainers to educate the local community on the benefits of launching initiatives, as well as trained 35 young men and women to master life and leadership skills.

In addition to the above, Bedar also launched the "Fanar" initiative, which aims to develop the ability of young women to acquire life skills according to specialized methodologies, alongside their time in university, thus paving the way for them towards a promising life path and enhancing the level of their knowledge and professional participation in line with the aspirations and needs of Saudi society.

Bedar is keen to develop the spirit of giving among youth, which led them to launch the "Nama" initiative to teach marketing skills for non-profit organizations, and "Qader" project that aims to enable young people to enter the world of small projects, and "Wahed min Ma'a" initiative aimed at promoting pioneering behaviors and experiences in the field of modern leadership.

The Impact

Bedar succeeded in achieving the goals it sought out, launching 15 initiatives and projects, reaching 50,000 beneficiaries and engaging 300 volunteers. This enabled Bedar to obtain several awards, most notably winning the first place in the Youth Workers' Award in their first session.

The Audience

The secret behind the organization’s strong presence in events and activities - lies in their constant communication with young people, as it has taken the virtual world as a platform to interact with them, through their digital platforms (including email newsletters, website, and WhatsApp.

Overcoming Challenges

Bedar foresees challenges related to beneficiaries, which include a lack of initiatives that target youth as well as a lack of suitable capabilities within the youth. They managed to overcome this by using research tools and methodologies, including questionnaires, surveys, focus groups, These tools allow the organization to collect data on challenges and establish direct contact with a sample of the youth. The in-depth interviews conducted by the organization also play a vital role in providing an accurate understanding of the society trends.


  • How would you describe the team in one sentence?

Team of youth adopts the organization's message by presenting creative visions, aiming to improve society with confidence and responsibility.

  • If your team had a motto or saying, what would it be?

"An aspirational team with a sustainable social impact"

  • What motivates you to serve the community?

Feeling responsible towards youth and our society, and constantly striving to elevate the status of our Kingdom among nations under the guidance and care of our wise leadership.

  • What are you proud of in the organization?

The characteristic initiatives and services that we offer to young men and women.

  • What impact do you want to achieve for the organization's beneficiaries?

Enhancing initiative-taking and social responsibility, and equipping them with the skills, experiences and visions that pave the way for achieving their goals.

  • What does success look like for the organization?

The path to success is long and requires continuous efforts. Our ambitions are grand, and our responsibilities are  significant.

  • What defines your team?

The belief in the organization's mission and values, and the constant pursuit of achieving its goals in the face of challenges that stand our way.

  • What advice would you give to Saudi youth?

There are no limits to giving back to the community. Take the initiative to make a sustainable impact.

  • What are the most unique characteristics of Saudi youth?

The spirit of giving, and the constant pursuit to develop for the better.

To contact the organization:

Social media accounts

To learn more about the impact accelerator

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