4 reasons why time in nature can boost your leadership skills

Why is it important for leaders to spend time in nature?
Being a leader is a challenging and demanding role. Leaders often have to juggle between motivating their teams, managing stakeholders, and making difficult decisions on a daily basis. To be successful in this position, it’s important for leaders to take a break and find solace in nature.

Leaders are often expected to be the best of the best in their field. They need to be outstanding managers, excellent communicators, and influential decision-makers. With these expectations combined, it's no wonder leaders often find themselves pushed for time to take care of themselves. But spending some time outdoors can help leaders develop themselves. For instance, taking a walk through the park or going on a weekend hike can boost their cognitive development, help them make better decisions, and improve team effectiveness skills. 

The Kingdom’s Quality of Life Program, which is part of Vision 2030, aims to improve the individual and families’ quality of life by creating the necessary environment to develop and support new liveable and lifestyle options. With projects such as Green Riyadh, which will transform the capital into a green oasis, and nature destinations like AlUla, there is a distinct investment in creating active and walkable communities immersed in nature.   

As a leader you would often have to make decisions that impact the lives of others. This can be a stressful and demanding job, which is why it is important to take time out of your  busy schedule to spend in nature. Studies have found that this  will improve cognitive function, decision-making ability, and in managing teams. It also has a variety of mental health benefits such as reducing stress levels, improving self-esteem, and helping you feel more relaxed.

Here are four ways how time spent in nature can boost your leadership skills:

1) Spending time in nature improves cognitive function: Experiments have found that being exposed to natural environments improves working memory, cognitive flexibility and attentional control, while exposure to urban environments is linked to attention deficits.  

2) Spending time in nature reduces stress levels: Nature is a place of peace and tranquility. It offers us the perfect opportunity to step back from our busy lives and slow down. This can be especially important for leaders who are often under a lot of pressure and stress. Spending time in nature can offer much-needed relief and the opportunity to refresh their minds.

3) Nature increases creativity and emotional intelligence: Uninterrupted time in nature helps your mind wander, promotes divergent thinking, and in turn may boost your ability to come up with new ideas. There’s also evidence that contact with nature is associated with enhanced happiness, subjective well-being, positive social interactions, and a sense of meaning and purpose in life. 

4) Nature improves team management skills: Nature is an incredible tool to explore learning and leadership development, so much so that there is an entire field of study dedicated to it called Biomimicry. By observing plants and animals in their natural habitat, leaders can witness and be inspired by how creatures adapt, using all that’s available to them within themselves and their environment to thrive.

Being a leader is a challenging and demanding role. Leaders often have to juggle between motivating their teams, managing stakeholders, and making difficult decisions on a daily basis. To be successful in this position, it’s important for leaders to take a break for themselves and find solace by the beach, desert, or any natural location of their choice.

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